Hocean Thoughts
I’m on a porch in Napeague between Amagansett and Montauk, between a swim and walk and I’m staring at the hocean. My Grandma Cohen who...

Tips, Exercises, and Classes
A longtime student in my Wednesday home group emailed saying that he cannot find the inspiration to write and wonders what to do. I...

29 Things about My Current Renovation Including Stuff about Grey
It’s the bathroom It’s the tiles, medicine chest, lighting, sink, toilet, and paint I’ve been going steady with Benjamin Moore Our...

4 Things to Remember
I was a speaker at the Writer’s Digest Conference at the Roosevelt Hotel in NYC this past weekend. In addition to offering my workshop...

The Winners are Leonard Cohen and John
The judges of the Sweet Summer Experience Contest I ran several weeks ago chose John’s entry. Here it is: 1960: first time driving a...

My Guest Blogger and My Contest Reminder
Dear Readers: The deadline for your Sweet Summer Contest entries (see July 9 post) is extended to July 25. One of the two judges is out...

A Sweet Summer Experience and a Contest for You
At 8:55 am on the first day of summer, I am at Breads Bakery on 16th Street a block from my apartment, putting on a hair net. I stop at...

One Man and His Dog
Dear Readers, The next post will be a contest. Stay tuned. In last week’s post, I wrote about a song my father taught me when I was a...

On to Mow a Meadow: In Loving Memory of My Father, Max Davidoff
When my father got pneumonia at age 88, his doctor and the covering doctor were both out of town. The coverer twice-removed admitted...

To 4 Favorite Fathers
Dear Uncle Hy, Remember when I locked myself in the bathroom at age 6? Daddy was in Jamestown on business and Mommy, coming after me...