Matchmaker, Matchmaker
I’m one of the few Jews in New York NOT in the current production of FIDDLER ON THE ROOF. I did; however, sit in the fifth row of the...
Hot Flashes/My Flashes—5 in July
1. I read Roald Dahl’s wonderful book, MATILDA, before seeing MATILDA on Broadway. Instead would have been fine. The little girl in the...

GIVE MY REGARDS… It is bad enough they aren’t writing musicals the way they once did. And that we no longer have a Frank Loesser. Or a...
My Almost Date with Jackie Mason
My Almost Date With Jackie Mason (this was published in different form in New York Newsday, Sept. 6, 1991) DREAM DATE In 1991, I spotted...

SOME ENCHANTED OSCAR (and other things I experienced, read, and saw in the last two weeks) I am a little postpartum-y. My spring NYU...