Tolstoy, in a letter to Valerya Aresenyev, November 9, 1856, said, “One can live magnificently in this world if one knows how to work and how to love…” Freud is purported to have said that the goal of psychotherapy is to allow the patient to love and to work.
2012 was my all time favorite year teaching. My writing students, particularly the long-timers who take my workshops again and again and not because they flunk but because they want to work assiduously and grow, took enormous leaps. I know they’ll continue to evolve in 2013. I know I’ll continue to hound them.
I had essays published in several newspapers. I am in the throes of a new book. Writing and revising are still incredibly fulfilling and still incredibly hard.
As a technically challenged person (an understatement), I surprised myself last January by starting this blog. Writing my posts, hearing from you, and making new friends among readers is a joy. Thank you for joining me.
Since September, three events occurred for which I have new titles.
–A milestone birthday enables me to take New York City buses and subways at a discount. A letter came with my new “senior” transit card that began: Dear Reduced Fare Customer. I now sign emails to my husband, with love from a reduced person. –I have a new stint at AARP. In addition to writing essays, I interact online with AARP members. I am called an “expert”(Oy!). It’s daunting, funny, loaded, and well….I dunno. I looked up the definition and if the term continues to gnaw at me, I’ll post a blog here in 2013 called “What Is An Expert, Anyway?” Nevertheless, the link is: AARP – Nancy Davidoff Kelton. NBC NIGHTLY NEWS’ Chris Jansing came to our apartment with a camera crew today and interviewed me. The segment is scheduled to be aired Wednesday evening: January 2 on the 6:30 NBC NIGHTLY NEWS. (If it is rescheduled, I will let you know.)
–And there’s the new baby in the family. Every moment I share with him and his terrific, loving parents is special and fills me up in ways I never could have imagined.
I embrace my roles: mother, wife, mother-in-law, writer, blogger, instructor, stepmother, reduced person, and “expert.” I embrace and kvell and giggle being this little guy’s GRANDMA.

Healthy, Happy New Year to You All.
Love ‘n Stuff,