5 Things that Might (or Might Not) Interest You Including Stuff about Norman Lear

The deadline for the Love ‘N Stuff’s ‘A School Day’s Contest’ has been extended. It is Oct. 17, not Oct. 10. One of the judges cannot judge until next week. I’ll announce the winner here on Oct. 21.
Last Friday afternoon, a few hours before Yom Kippur eve, Havah Nagilah was piped in at Agata & Valentina, the Italian market on University Place, while I was buying their just-made mozzarella cheese. Fifteen minutes later, I was playing Havah Nagilah on my piano and singing away. If you have a piano and an ear, it’s in the key of C, begins on middle E, and is super easy to play.
My husband, Jonathan, rode and finished the 30 miles in the Bike MS NYC Ride on Sunday with the Fishs Eddy team. Julie, the store owner and our dear friend, was at the team’s helm. The energy, comraderie and pulling together for a great cause was palpable beyond the course and the finish line at Pier 94. lt’s still with us this morning. I’m wearing the ‘30 YEARS BEHIND HANDLE BARS’ tee-shirt I got in the high donors’ lounge. Considering he entered late and was a first-timer, Jonathan raised a lot of money. Thank you J and J.
Norman Lear: Weren’t we lucky to have had him move mountains and change the course of TV? The piece in Monday’s (Oct.6) NY Times Arts section about him captures his genius, truth-telling, and obstinacy. It’s worth reading. Rob Reiner(Meathead) calls Lear a “kochleffel” which is Yiddish for “pot stirrer.” Thank God for those who stir pots and rock boats. Those were the days…
I just read the ‘A School Day’s Contest’ entries submitted so far. They’re wonderful! I’m glad I’m not a judge. I would not be able to pick just one. Surprise the judges, the blog readers, and me with your school surprises. Feel free to enter (on the Sept. 30 post) more than once. Feel free to rock the boat. And leave your other comments here.
Love ‘N Stuff,