I’m only the messenger, delivering the news. A good thing, too. I read your April 20 contest entries again. No way could I have picked just one. They all resonate. They’re all great.
For example, what Char’s mother said on jealousy and maliciousness and Liza’s mother on counting on yourself are right on. And Inez, I can hear your mother telling Bruce to get with the program. Carole, the thing about advice and “keeping your mouth shut” is excellent with daughters-in-law, everyone.
Thank you all for showing up. I wish I could call in judges to give grades to my students. Giving grades is the least favorite part of my job.
So….the two impartial people who did the picking here chose Wendall’s entry: My Grandmother: “God gave me two ears, one to let the words in and the other to let them out.”
As one judge just said, “Wendall’s grandmother is right. We should take in what others say, but not get all hung up.”
Right, Judge. Of course, Wendall. Congratulations to you!
Congratulations to everyone who took the time to enter.
And to those who raised or help raise a child or children, Happy Mother’s Day to you!
Love ‘n Stuff,