Canine Updates/Work Updates

A neighborhood dog walker I recognized, heading up Sixth Avenue yesterday, was reprimanding the frisky schnauzer, not the two mutts and poodle. I didn’t hear what he said. It was definitely one-sided.
I smiled. He—the walker, not the schnauzer—smiled back, then said, “You should try doing this. It’s challenging, but fun.”
My work is too. Not but. Challenging AND fun. That is among the reasons I write and teach. I love hard work. Always have.
Years ago, I considered being a dog walker when I saw a sign in my building laundry room that one was needed.

“When are you available?” my doorman asked.
“Every day and night,” I said. “I can start New Year’s Eve.”
Except I couldn’t. I had walked my neighbors’ Great Dane a few evenings when they had to work late. I never actually walked the dog. The Great Dane walked me.
And…my regular gigs consume me. I just finished writing and editing my memoir. It went to the printer’s last Thursday. Yesterday I said good-bye to my spring, New School class, WRITING FROM PERSONAL EXPERIENCE.
Today I feel post partumy. My book will soon be out in the world. Some of my spring students will attend my book events and take classes with me again. Others I may not see.
No crystal ball for my tomorrows, but I’m pretty sure they won’t involve reprimanding schnauzers and getting dragged by Great Danes.