Dear Evan Hansen

Dear Evan Hansen,
I saw you the other night. You do what I believe the theater should do. You grabbed me, choked me up, and made me feel and think. No schmaltz. No pretense. No special effects.
It was you. You, your divorced mother raising you by herself and trying to cope, and every other character are inside me. You are us. And we are you.
I tip my hat to Steven Levenson, Benj Pasek, Justin Paul, and Michael Greif and to everyone in the cast.
And Oh….Dear Ben Platt: your Evan is a Wow! I thought of little Patty Duke as Helen Keller walking out onto that dark stage. In 1959, I was swept away at a Saturday matinee with my father. The other night I was swept away by you.
Dear Evan Hansen/Dear Ben Platt: Don’t let this letter get into Connor Murphy’s or anyone else’s hands.
You tap into our discomfort and loneliness. You resonate. Inspire.
Thank you for your you!