Encore! Encore!

It won.
The audience of the Woodside Summer Play Festival voted the opening monologue of my FINDING MR. RIGHTSTEIN stage adaptation, “Best Comedy” and it tied as the Festival’s “winner.”
My actress, Cynthia, gave excellent performances. Her talent was obvious when she auditioned. Her warmth and generosity of spirit were obvious before I heard her read a single word. We’re meeting Friday to discuss the play’s future.“I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship,” --- Rick Blaine, played by Humphrey Bogart in the film, CASABLANCA (1942) and Nancy, played by Nancy in this blog post (now).
I saw both parts of ANGELS IN AMERICA last Wednesday and THREE TALL WOMEN the other night. I am grateful for Tony Kushner, Edward Albee, Andrew Garfield and Glenda Jackson. Angels on the page and stage.
NOBODY’S FOOL was just on at three am. Again. “Not now. Not ever,” Paul Newman says to Jessica Tandy, his landlady, at the beginning and again at the end when she offers him tea. And in between: like Wow!!
Sometimes I’m grateful for my insomnia. I am always grateful for Paul.

Love 'n Stuff,
Ps. And…I’m grateful for your comments and also to learn what plays, movies, actors, and writers are always or newly on your gratitude list.